5 Simple Ways To Start A Ministry

Walk In The Faith
5 min readMay 15, 2022


We often think of ministry as this untouchable career that only pastors or mega-church preachers are able to succeed in. However, anyone can start a ministry, and it’s far more simple than it appears to be….

I first want to start off by saying that we are all called to ministry as believers. Our purpose is not to fulfill the world’s expectations of us, but to fulfill God’s expectations of us. The Lord appoints every one of His children to spread the gospel (the good news) to as many souls as we possibly can.

It is very easy to fall into the mindset of thinking that only pastors or people with certain positions in the church are capable of ministering and bringing people into God’s kingdom, however, we are all capable of this in more ways than one. So, let’s go over five ways that you can start a ministry!

1. Blogging

If you love to write and you want to effectively spread God’s Word through your writing, think about starting a ministry via blogging. This is actually exactly what “Walk In The Faith” is all about — spreading God’s Word through the form of writing. This might be most ideal for those who may have a lot to say but are perhaps more shy or nervous when it comes to speaking aloud in front of others.

Though the blogging world — and the writing world, in general — can be quite competitive, it is essential to know that becoming a well-known or top-earning writer is not the main goal. The purpose is to simply share the gospel. Whether you reach ten, one-hundred, or one-thousand people, you are reaching someone in hopes of the Word working in someone’s spirit.

It is enough just to spread the Word in any way you can, and starting a blog ministry is a great way to get started!

2. Start a Bible study group

One great way to go into ministry with others is by starting a Bible study group. Though it may not seem like it on the surface, studying the word with others and helping others grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord is a form of ministry. This is especially true if you have members who are non-believers or perhaps new believers who are unfamiliar with the Bible. If you want to go into ministry in a slightly more interactive manner, think about starting up a Bible study group!

3. Become a prayer warrior

An extremely effective way to spread God’s Word and love is by interceding for others in prayer. Of course, as believers, we should all strive to be prayer warriors anyway. We should pray fervently for ourselves, as well as others in our daily lives. This not only strengthens our personal relationship with the Lord, but it can also strengthen others’ relationship with Him.

If you would like to take your prayer a step forward, consider praying for and with others in your everyday life. If you feel led by the Spirit to pray for a random stranger in the market or a coworker, or even a close friend, do not be afraid to do so!

Remember that as you continuously pray for and/or with others, be sure to ask God for guidance, wisdom, and grace in your prayers. Let the Lord be at the center of each prayer and let Him guide you!

4. Start a social media ministry

It’s probably no surprise to anyone that technology is one of the most prevalent things in our world today, especial when it comes to the way we interact in society. Social media has been one of the most prominent ways of not only staying connected with others, but also receiving information. While much of the information we are inundated with on a daily basis is irrelevant and, at times, completely contrary to the truth we believe and know as Christians, social media can be used to spread the joy of God.

If you appreciate the succinct and social nature of social media sites and you want to share the Word, consider using media to spread God’s Word. Start an Instagram page where you post daily Bible verses or a YouTube channel where you create content about God and a breakdown of the Bible. No matter how you choose to use social media to start a ministry, make sure that God is at the forefront of all that you do!

5. Teach the Word

If you consider yourself to be a Bible scholar or you simply have a zeal for studying and understanding the complexities of the Bible and God’s Word, you may also want to consider teaching the Word in some way or another. In fact, all of the aforementioned ways of starting a ministry are also ways of teaching the Word, which is a large part of what ministry is!

Of course, we know that specific vocations such as pastors, youth leaders, children’s pastors, and any other type of ministers are all considered teachers of the Word. However, you do not have to earn a degree, become a pastor, or even have a thorough knowledge of the entirety of the Bible to be qualified to teach the Word in the eyes of God. When it comes to teaching the Word, we must remember that through the Spirit, we gain wisdom in what we study. Through this wisdom and understanding, we are able to teach what it is that we have then learned.

You can teach the Bible by becoming an actual Bible teacher, or simply sharing a Bible verse or two and breaking down the meaning with a non-believer to make it more comprehendible. You can explain to someone what it truly means to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. You can even clarify a commonly misconstrued verse or concept of the Bible to a scoffer or skeptic in hopes of them becoming a little more perceptive to God’s true Word.

No matter the manner in which you choose to teach, continue to ask God for guidance in prayer as you teach.

There you have it, folks! I hope that this information has somehow encouraged you to start your very own ministry for the Lord. Remember that it is not about numbers so much as it is about simply planting seeds by spreading God’s Word as well as His love in any way you can. I pray that this word has blessed each and every one of you! God Bless!



Walk In The Faith
Walk In The Faith

Written by Walk In The Faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” — 2 Corinthians 5:7

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