5 Signs God Is Calling You Back To Him

Walk In The Faith
5 min readMay 8, 2022


Sometimes, we stray from God, but He always has a way of pulling us back to Him. Here are some signs God is calling you!

In such a world that is full of daily distractions on social media, the hustle and bustle of family and work life, and just all-around wickedness, it can be so easy to fall away from God and His word even if you do not intend to do so. Maybe you’ve gone through it many a time or you’re going through it right now — but we oftentimes stray away from God without even realizing it.

This can be quite a concern as we know that we are on the right path when we are living through our faith in the Lord, and when we are distanced from Him, we usually end up off course. However, God knows this and that is why He calls us back to Him again and again. God can do this in an infinite number of ways, but I’m going to share with you five ways that God may be calling you back to Him! Let’s get started!

1. You can’t fall asleep

Do you ever go to sleep and feel like you’re forgetting something important or your mind keeps racing and doesn’t stop? Maybe you feel like you should be doing something but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is.

This feeling can often be God pulling you back to Him. God may be wanting to talk to you through prayer or His written Word before you go to sleep.

If you find that you’re having trouble falling asleep and you think you’ve strayed from God, think about devoting some time specifically to Him before you drift off into slumber!

2. You keep waking up at unusual hours

Similarly to having difficulties falling asleep, your sleep may be disturbed when you have strayed from the Lord. You may be waking up at crazily early hours like three, four, or five am and you can’t seem to fall back asleep more frequently than not.

Often times, this can be God waking you and wanting to spend some time with you. If you’re waking up early and you can’t seem to fall back asleep, use that time to pray, and therefore, communicate with God. Open up the Bible and feed your mind and spirit with His wisdom. You may even want to make this devotional time a daily habit! There is nothing like starting your day — even in the absurd hours of the morning — with the Lord.

3. Your way keeps failing

Have you ever tried to make a situation work in your favor time and time again just to see that it only fails in the end? Maybe you feel like you have a dead end job or you’re in an unhealthy relationship and you constantly feel like all of your efforts and hard work are to no avail.

More often than not, whenever we stray away from God, our mind changes. As believers, we know that if something is not in God’s will and He wants us elsewhere, He will continue to make it known to us.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5–6

Because of this, it is not enough for us to rely only on our own perceptions of the world and our personal situations. God wants us to go to Him for any and everything. When we stray, we often underestimate just how powerful and capable He is and overestimate how capable we are without Him.

4. You feel a sense of unfulfillment

Even with your full, exciting schedule of family time, visiting your friends, having a successful career, having that home renovation you so desperately wanted, and finally reading that book on your nightstand, do you ever find yourself with a sense of unfulfillment? Do you ever feel like you’re forgeting to do something really big and you won’t feel satisfied until you do it? Well, this can actually be God calling you back to Him.

The world tells us that we will be happy and feel most fulfilled when we achieve “X, Y, and Z”. However, as believers, we know that we are in the world and not of it and that sort of mentality and the lifestyle that follows is not necessarily meant for us. We know that the only thing that can fulfill us is God and His love for us.

“And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”Romans 12:2

Even our brothers and sisters who are not of the faith often feel a void even when everything in their lives in seemingly aligned. That “void” that we feel from time to time is God. Even if we are unaware, God is tugging at our spirits in these moments because He wants us to seek Him. Even though He doesn’t need us, we need Him because He is the only thing that can fully satisfy us in this life and the next.

5. You hear Him calling you

And the last sign God may be calling you back to Him is as clear as day — you hear Him calling for you. Have you had a dream that you knew was from God or have you ever kept running into Bible verses that you knew were meant for you? Sometimes, God even calls to us in a “small voice” in our minds and spirits when He wants to draw us in. My friends, this is a sign straight from the source.

As stated earlier, this world is so full of distractions. The city, our housemates, and social media notifications galore can sometimes seem to drown out the voice of God. But as believers, we are still able to hear Him when He calls because of our faith. Despite the daily distractions we may face, it doesn’t mean that God will stop trying to contact us altogether. Sometimes He will contact us directly by using our very own distractions to get our attention or He can speak directly through others.

This can mean seeing a not-so-random Bible verse about prayer or seeking the Lord on your Instagram explore page or hearing a word in church on Sunday morning that speaks directly to you about seeking God. Whatever it may be, know that God has an infinite number of ways to get our attention, especially in our moments of straying.

All in all…

No matter how far you feel you’ve strayed from God and His word, it is never to late to seek Him. God always invites us back with open arms and a warm embrace no matter the terrible things we may have done. As long as you are still breathing, you have time to have a relationship with Him. This is part of how He shows His love for us. God is larger than life, so naturally, His immensity shows in the way He loves us.

There you have it, folks! I pray that this word has blessed each and every one of you! God Bless!



Walk In The Faith
Walk In The Faith

Written by Walk In The Faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” — 2 Corinthians 5:7

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